Vicente Segura

Click to play - 3:21

Atomic Bomb Explosion

Nuclear Terrorism?
The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed against Iran.”
Michel Chossudovsky

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nuclear Dreams

By Vicente Segura

In the geopolitical game for power every ambitious nation has a nuclear dream. To have a nuclear bomb is the dream of every nation with the aim to gain power, respect and privilege, without imagining a consequent nightmare.

The nuclear club of nations (plus Israel) who already possessed nuclear bombs, wanted to prevent other countries to have nuclear dreams. While nuclearized governments have nuclear negotiations with non nuclear countries (to make them nuclear) or to stop other countries to become nuclear, they are still very nuclear active themselves.

Why in a nuclear democratic society, the nuclearized countries don’t permit other nations to have nuclear aspirations? Because of nuclear control or nuclear monopoly? The rhetoric’s on the idea that nuclear bombs are more secure in western countries hands than in other hands, first, is a myth, and second, a geocentric discourse to use their nuclear power for intimidation or deterrence.

The box of Pandora is already opened and the prospect for a nuclear war is already there. It would be impossible to put the genie back to the bottle. The damage to life on planet Earth it seems imminent.

Nuclear weapons are displayed in the table of negotiations of USA to obtain some political gains, privileged concessions and for bargain cheap in the business. The USA possess the greatest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world and they will used if necessary (as they already used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki). With such destructive nuclear arsenal they are able to depopulate planet Earth easily.

Now they are developing a new generation of bombs PGS (Prompt Global Strike) and testing the robotic spacecraft X-37B, causing discomfort in other powerful nations and pushing for an arms race.

It appears as if the USA are going to be the sponsors, producers and directors of a spectacular blockbuster event called Armageddon now.

The biggest arsenal of nuclear bombs in the world is set up in the USA. With the USA expanding foreign politics, they are triggering conflicts and exacerbating other moderated conflicts. U.S. is threatening to strike Iran at the request of Israel. They are intimidating Iran to use new tactical nuclear bombs if not submit.

The superpower has not the will power to solved discrepancies in the negotiation table diplomatically and peacefully. The superpower doesn’t bind to a global rule of law in the sense on who is right and who is wrong, but on who is clever and who is the winner.

The world is becoming a more dangerous place with a nation who is loud (but not clear) claiming to have the privilege to judge the others. The world is not safe with the pretention of USA to lead the world.

Work in progress...

Click to play - 3:21

Happy End of the World. Enjoy the show.

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